Wednesday 6 November 2013

Halloween review

Over the short Halloween period, theres been some hockey action too: Heres reports on the three games that occured on Thursday 31st October and 1st November.

Stingrays on the verge of challenge cup elimination after loss in wales...

With Cardiff Devils already through to the challenge cup quarter finals, it was a different story for their opponents that night, the Hull stingrays, they needed at least a point to have a chance of qualifying. In the first period, it was a desperate Stingrays side but surprisingly, Cardiff took advantage of little mistakes and would score three first session goals. They came from Andrew Conboy, Max Birbraer and Matthew Myers. 3-0 to devils after period one.
 Hull came out in the second period brilliantly and just 47 seconds in Guy Doucet scored to close the gap to two. However, Ben Davies bought it to 4-2 Devils but just seconds after it was Guy Doucet again who scored to keep them in the game. Hull kept pushing though for a leveler but things just didn't work and Mark Smith made it five late on. The second period scoring hadn't finished their though Hull got a big goal and yet AGAIN it was Guy Doucet who completed his hat trick at the end of the second. Devils 5-3 Rays. Or the scoreboard could've easily said Devils 5-3 Guy Doucet! Final period with Hulls cup hopes on the edge and Hull scored a big goal and this time, it wasn't Doucet who scored, instead it was player coach, Sylvain Cloutier who scored a big goal to set up a tense final few minutes. Next a historic goal would come. Not only would it be a game tieing goal but a FOURTH goal of the game for Guy Doucet. This was the turning point which sent this crucial game into a scoreless overtime and penalty shootout! During the best of three shootout, Guy Doucet would score a FIFTH GOAL OF THE GAME!!!! The first eihl player to do so. Later on though, Andrew Conboy scored the game winning goal for a devils win, but a memorable night for Hull too. Final score: Cardiff 6-5 Hull. Stats here: Shootout here: 

Steelers put the blaze out beating Coventry 5-2...

It was a fright for Coventry blaze on Halloween night after Sheffield steelers beat them 5-2 to get revenge on their defeat against blaze the previous Sunday(3-2 in OT). It was a game in which steelers dominated from start to finish. Highlights here: stats:

Panthers almost get shocked by stars but win in overtime...

Nottingham panthers had a win over Dundee stars on Friday night but the panthers could of done better. They had a debut for goalie Neil Conway who will be the panthers netminder for next few weeks covering for Craig Kowalksi whose wife has given birth to a baby boy Blake Kowalski. Congratulations to them! 
It was a great start for the panthers and another player who debuted Joe Jensen scored after about ten minutes into his first game! Two more goals in the second period would see a 3-0 game to Nottingham but a great comeback by Dundee saw three unanswered goals to send this game to Overtime and it didn't take long for Leigh Salters to thump it past Bakala for a 4-3 panthers win! Stats:

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