Saturday 30 November 2013

Bad weekend for Stingrays despite late serge...

Hull Stingrays had an even test last weekend at home on Saturday vs Cardiff Devils. Then on Sunday they were in Edinburgh vs the Capitals. 

Devils dominate Rays for easy win...

Stingrays weekend opened at home, as they played a big clash vs Cardiff Devils, who were in strong form. A tight first period which looked to be scoreless suddenly had a blow of goals, first Matt Myers at 17:31 then Jake Morrisette scored just seconds later. 2-0 Devils after period one. 

The second period was entertaining and just 5:42 into that period, Tomas Kurka scored to make it three. Devils continued with their pressure and it told again as Mac Faulkner scored at 30:19. That pretty much sealed it off already but the scoring wasn't done just yet. Stingrays broke the shut out for Dan Lacosta as Omer Pacha got Rays on the board but no scoring in the third made it a final score of Hull Stingrays 1-4 Devils. 
Shots on goal: Stingrays(On Dan Lacosta) 35; Devils (On Ben Bowns) 30
Powerplay: Stingrays: 1/4; Devils: 0/6
Referee: Neil Wilson; Linesmen: Ally Flockhart and Paul Staniforth 

Caps beat Stingrays but late events make it an unbelievable battle... 

These two sides met with caps on fine form, not beaten at home in three games had confidence going into this one. 

A scoreless tight first period wore stingrays out and resulted in caps being all over them in the second scoring four goals! 21:24 was when Jade Portwood made it 1-0 then at 33:52 player coach Richard Hartmann put caps on fire! 3-0 came at 36:46 when Curtis Leinweber fired home to pretty sum up a great performance from the Scottish side! Caps were flying and it got better. Just before the intermission, Martin Cingel made it a brilliat night, 4-0! 

The third period however was different, Stingrays came fighting back but a little slip made caps add salt to the wound, Hartmann again, making it five! The caps fans clapped down the seconds but suddenly Stingrays gobsmacked them. 18:49 into the third the shut out went as Guy Doucet scored for now 5-1. 59:20 then became 5-2, Guy Doucet again. And after that, Jason Silverthorn made it 5-3 to almost complete the best comeback in British ice hockey history. But no, Caps won 5-3. What should've been an easy win, tuned into a tight affair. Final score Edinburgh Capitals 5-3 
Shots on goal: Capitals (On  Ben Bowns) 32; Stingrays(On Tomas Hiladvlosky) 29
Powerplay:  Capitals: 1/6; Stingrays: 3/5
Referee: Neil Wilson; Linesmen: Gordon Pirry and Dave Farren

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