Tuesday 23 September 2014

Close games make up Saturday night thriller and Sunday showdown

On Saturday night, all four games ended very close. Three of them were by one goal, whilst the other was only by two! On Sunday, it turned out pretty much the same.

Dominant performance sees panthers edge Steelers as rivalry begins for new season!

The biggest rivalry in British ice hockey faced for the first time in 2014/15 last night as Nottingham Panthers hosted Sheffield Steelers in a stunning challenge cup game.
The first period ended scoreless, despite many chances for both sides. However, the second period was very different! Panthers opened the scoring when Chris Lawrence tapped a loose puck home for 1-0. Some amazing defence from Panthers kept them up, but a lucky bounce was left for Jon Phillips to equalise. 1-1.
Twenty minutes to go, and both teams were playing their hearts out to get that edge. Eventually, it was Brandon Benedict who fired home to give the home side the win. Steelers were denied of a leveller, as they got into late penalty trouble. It ended as a 2-1 Panthers win! Highlights: http://youtube.com/watch?v=V3z-7OoQJdw
At the first interval, Panther fan Mark Gozzard proposed tp his girlfriend Stacey in front of the 6,000 crowd!

Giants keep on top of Hull, for tense victory

Hull Stingrays had a huge task on Saturday, when Big guns Belfast Giants visited town. The Rays knew that this would be a test and rose to it quickly as Eric Galbraith put the hosts in front 2:24 in. Giants were having a tougher night than the walk in the park they expected, but got back on level terms in 8th minutes. We are tied at 1-1. Not long after though, Giants got their confidence back and were 2-1 by the 12th minute.
The Irish side kept their lead going into the second period, and kept hanging on with great defence, but Hull were having the same ideas and it would stay 2-1 going into a war of a third period.
The two sides were in a fierce battle right now, and Hull wanted an equaliser, but too much focus on offence, and not enough on defence and Belfast got comfy as Ray Sawada scored for 3-1. Hull continued their fight back though, and got it straight back to  a one goal game. Goal machine Carl Lauzon on target for another Stingrays goal. End to end action would see Giants pull out the stronger side and the final buzzer went and Giants would pick up the points! 3-2.
Other scores: Cardiff 5-4 Braehead OT, Fife 2-4 Dundee
Sunday: Coventry 4-3 Nottingham, Sheffield Steelers 3-2 Belfast Giants, Dundee 2-1 Fife OT, Edinburgh 3-2 Cardiff SO





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