Tuesday 22 April 2014

Eventful day for Stingrays...New coach, and search for New goalie begins as Bowns Joins Devils

Hull Stingrays are a busy team so far this off-season, looking to build on an impressive season in 2013/14! Since the departure of player coach Slyvain Cloutier, a lot of questions have been raised on who should take over Clouts role, whether it will be a current player or a new face. The answer is (drum-roll) current players! Omar Pacha will become Hulls new coach, leading the group in hockeys greatest role, being assisted by goal machine Carl Lauzon who had a stunning season last campaign and looks to build on it, this time at a much higher part in the club! 

Could this be a new start for the Rays. They've always been known as underdogs but could they finally get the success they have craved so much over the years. The stuff Clouts did will be hard to top, but two trust-worthy players look like they will give silver ware to the Stingrays!

Omar Pacha now has to build a strong team, but this task has now been made a lot more difficult. There legendary goalie Ben Bowns has left the Rays and signs with Cardiff Devils! A shock move will see him in red and white shirt. A great addition for the Devils in my opinion! Lucky to have him and a new beginning for Bowns. He loved his time in Hull though, and will be missed. He said his goodbyes in an emotional post on Hull Stingrays facebook Forum group:

I'd just like to start by saying a massive thank you for all your great support over the past two seasons. You made me feel part of the stingrays family right from the off...and trust me, its a very special family to be in and I loved every second of it!
I just want to make it clear that my decision has absolutely nothing to do with anything that is supposedly going on at the club right now, like I said in the HDM article I turned down a good offer from within the Gardiner conference as I saw no point in being at a different team in the conference when I could be at Hull. My decision was totally 100% down to wanting to play in the Erdhart Conference, challenge myself further and prove many people wrong again.
I can't thank Clouts and Bobby enough for the chance they've given me. I can't thank you guys enough for your awesome support of me and the team. When you guys get going the most versatile venue is one of the best places to play. The atmosphere, intensity, the emotion that you guys showed and total experience of that last regular season game against Sheffield will stay with me forever. Hull's fans are the main pull to get players in to Hull, everyone always comments on how crazy our fans are and how great the atmosphere can be so make sure you all stick together and get behind the team next season.
I never thought I'd love a club like I loved the Steeldogs but in just two seasons you guys helped prove me wrong, it made my decision extremely difficult.
Its been an honour to be able to pull the stingrays shirt over my head every weekend for the past two seasons and represent you guys. Hull will always have a special place in my heart and hopefully one day I'll be back in Stingrays colours.
Thanks again to all of you for everything and for making my time in Hull amazing!

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