Sunday 25 May 2014

Changes to be made: EIHLFN needs YOU!

This blog has been going for just over a year now! To mark EIHL fans nations one year anniversary ,we will be giving the site a brand new look, and new logo. Not only that, but some new features to the blog to make it a more exiting experience and a good way to enjoy ice hockey! We will announce more in a future post.

 About the logo change though: We are letting you design our logo. If you have any logo ideas, submit them to my e-mail: . Put your name so we can give you full credit. We may combine a few different ideas. If you have no logo design software, comment us some good sites that can design them so we can contact them. Again, we will give the site full credit, and you for giving us the link. :-)

 Now, to the real big change which I hope you will love. Not only do we want you to help with our logo, but we are looking for someone to join the site! You can be part of EIHLFN!! Contact We are looking for at least three people to join and help with producing this online experience. Currently, there is only two people on the team, so more would be a fantastic help.

 We will have more details on our big revamp soon!


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