Saturday 7 December 2013

Overtime heartbreak for Clan

Braehead Clan had two big games last weekend! Saturday they hosted Edinburgh Capitals (match report on home page) then Sunday they traveled to Hull to face a big defense stingrays side! 

Tight game results in big shootout, and a big win...

Hull Stingrays went into this game game knowing that their games with Clan are always big. This encounter made no difference!

A big first period saw 4 goals already, both sides sharing them equally, Chris Frank got clan the first goal at 5:31 after a number of rebounds. At he half way mark of the first though, Carl Lauzn tied it for Rays. 1-1. Then a few minutes later, Guy Doucet, possibly Stingrays best player, put them in the lead. As the clock ticked down for the first, Clan were back level as Joe Cullen netted at 19:34. This was a tight battle at the end of the first. 2-2. 

Both teams tried to get the next goal, then Neil Trimm at 10:47 put Clan in front the end of the second. They had 20 minutes to secure it but Hull had better ideas...

They pressed hard for that leveling 3rd goal and 6:06 into the third, Carl Lauzon made it 3-3. It stayed that way until the buzzer went sending this to a scoreless overtime. Now to the shootout. Hull hated them as its been nearly two years since they last won one of these So clan could relax? Right? WRONG!! Stingrays won the shootout an broke their long curse for a final score of Hull Stingrays 4-3 Braehead Clan!
Stats: Shots on goal: Stingrays (On Kyle Jones) 32; Clan (On Ben Bowns) 39
Powerplay: Stingrays: 0/6; Clan: 0/5
Referee: James Ashton; Linesmen: Phil Sewell and Paul Staniforth
Posted by Rhys Williams

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