Saturday 7 December 2013

Blaze go to eventful trip in Scotland...

Last weekend, Coventry Blaze had a three games in thee nights schedule in Scotland. Friday they faced in form Dundee stars, Saturday to Fife then Sunday to Edinburgh to face caps( match report on home page) 

Blaze start road trip in crushing to Stars...

This Friday night encounter saw a cruising Dundee stars side host a mid situation Blaze team. 

The first period got off with a bang for the home side. At 6:43 Mike Wrill fired home to make it 1-0 then stars were playing even better as at 13:55 he same guy again netted. 

The second period, and Stars scored again in front of an almost sell out crowd. Bari McKenzie scored at 31:18 and that was the last goal of the game! Final score: Dundee stars 3-0 Coventry blaze
Shots on goal: Stars (On Mike Zacharias) 36; Blaze (On Dan Bakala) 33
Attendance: 1100
Powerplay: Stars: 1/5; Blaze: 0/2
Referee: Neil Wilson; Linemen: Ally Flockhart and Pavel Halas

Blaze perform a Flyer to break loosing run...

Both of these teams had loosing runs to break as they faced each-other but only one could succeed. 

Ryan Ginand score 3:46 in for 1-0. But Flyers got level as Jamie Wilson scored at 7:18! Blaze took the lead again though into the second period! 15:03 Kevin Harvey scored! 

Flyers knotted it up in the 2nd however, Derick Rhoel fired home for 2-2.  As the second break approached, Shea Guthrie re-gained Blazes lead for 3-2. 

Both teams pushed in the last period. But Flyers were pressing hardest but the Coventry defense paid off turning it into attack as Harvey scored again! That was the winner in the end as Blaze broke the loosing run! Final score- Fife Flyers 2-4 Coventry Blaze
Shots on goal: Flyers (On Mike Zacharias) 31; Blaze (On Kevin Regan) 23
Powerplay: Flyers: 0/7; Blaze: 2/9 
Attendance: 1622
Referee: Neil Wilson;Linesmen: Gregor Mizen and Paval Halas

Posted by Rhys Williams 

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