Tuesday 19 August 2014

ALS ice bucket challenge

As you are probably aware, people all over the world are trying the ALS ice bucket challenge to raise awareness of the disease ALS. Celebrities and members of the public are doing it every day...and hockey players are too! Here's how it works: you tip a bucket of cold ice in water over your head, then nominate three (or more if you want) people to do it as well. They then do the same and so on.
 So, which EIHL players/staff/fans are trying it. I've been doing research and heres a few...

Sid the kid inspires Simmsey, starting the EIHL ice bucket challenges!!

After seeing NHLer Sidney Crosby try it, Sheffield Steelers GM David Simms attempted it and nominated four Steelers players. Mark Thomas, Robert Dowd, Jason Hewitt and Jonathan Phillips! Mark Thomas excepted, and after an error in their first attempt, part two went well:
Not bad, eh? Jonathan Phillips and Jason Hewitt accepted Simmseys challenge too.
One of the nominations from these Steeler guys was Coventry Blaze coach Marc Lefebvre. I can't find any footage of it but he nominated Paul Thompson who got a huge bucket over his head:
His nomination was a Nottingham trio of Corey Neilson(coach) , Gary Moran(GM) and Neil Black (Owner)
As you can see it gets bigger and bigger, hence why the whole world is at it. Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook founder) has even done it, pop stars, people on TV, sports people, members of the public, are helping to raise awareness of the disease ALS. The best ice bucket challenges (hockey wise) were NHLer PK Subban, who had a truck over him,
and another NHLer and former Cardiff Devil, Paul Bissonette, who had a HELICOPTER over him!
Please continue this, to raise awareness of this disease and to have a laugh. The Nottingham Panthers fans are doing a group one (hopefully) next month, and I'm hoping to be in on it too! :-)

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