Sunday 25 August 2013

10 in 10: Edinburgh Capitals

A look back:

Well, what can I say, the past few seasons have been dreadful for caps. Its been difficult. At the start of the season, they knew they had to do something about it. The first few months of the season went as everyone thought. They were very unlucky. They even lost 10-0 to Nottingham panthers once. Caps curse looked to continue, BUT... the turning point of the season was to come. A Saturday night game up in Sheffield, with caps bad season, Sheffield were going to win of course...... or were they? 1-1 with five minutes to go, and caps scored, that goal was their turning point of the season. After that, they were stunning everyone and couldn't stop.  Who would of thought they'd help  Nottingham win their first league title? They kicked the panthers up the backside just three days later with the same score line, beat Sheffield AGAIN on penalty shots later in the season to keep away from the top two, Panthers and Giants, then beat Belfast 3-2 to get Nottingham one win away from their historic league title, which panthers grabbed on their first chance! It was caps best season in years! highlights of both caps wins over steelers here:

A look forward:

The majority of  Caps roster returns this season, and will all look to get that silverware they kraved for years. Is this their best chance yet? Playoff contenders if you ask me...

Tommorows team will be: Fife flyers. See you then! 

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